
Е. Р. Сквайрс
«Опыты филологических реконструкций»
Москва, Издательский дом Языки славянских культур, 2022.
Объём: 456 страниц (29,0 печатных листов) + 79 иллюстраций на вклейке
ISBN: 978-5-907290-89-1
В книге собраны научные работы за
The different facets of reconstructive linguistic research, demonstrated in this volume, are not only of interest to the academic professional, but will fascinate every reader with an inquisitive mind. In her research on unknown German medieval and early modern manuscripts and in- cunabula, hosted by Russian institutions, the author was often faced with complicated problems; a number of truly detective stories, covering three decades of her work, are brought together here. The striking solutions and sometimes even discoveries that resulted prove that philological methods can indeed be quite exact.
На сайте ИСТИНа: https://istina.msu.ru/publications/book/443807655/
На сайте ИД ЯСК/Гнозис: https://www.gnosisbooks.ru/books/filologiya/opyty_filologicheskikh_rekonstruktsiy/